dragon quest viii

Dragon Quest VIII approda in occidente… di nuovo.

Dal debutto su PS2, Dragon Quest VIII ha saputo crearsi un discreto seguito di nostalgici e di appassionati. Dopo la recente release del settimo capitolo, siamo felici di annunciarvi che anche l’ottavo arriverà su 3DS in futuro. E neanche tanto lontano!

Il 20 gennaio 2017 infatti i possessori della portatile Nintendo potranno gustarsi uno dei migliori JRPG di sempre sugi loro piccoli schermi. Vediamo il comunicato ufficiale relativo alla trama:

The story begins when a jester, Dhoulmagus, comes to Castle Trodain and steals the King’s sceptre. He then uses its power to turn his majesty into a troll, the Princess into a horse and the castle inhabitants into plants. The only one left unscathed from this attack is a castle guard who escaped the curse and must now step up to save the kingdom he’s sworn to protect. Only by traveling the lands, recruiting allies and following the trail of destruction that Dhoulmagus leaves in his wake will The Hero be able to retrieve the sceptre in order to restore Trodain back to its former glory.

dragon quest viii

Nintendo ha precisato anche i nuovi contenuti:

  • Two new playable characters.
  • Additional side quests and dungeons.
  • New story content “that will provide more back story about The Hero and the villainous Dhoulmagus”.
  • Full voice acting in plot-important cutscenes.
  • A new alternative ending.
  • Take ‘photos’ at any point outside of cutscenes or battles, adding stickers, poses or filters. Share them via StreetPass.
  • “Once the player meets Cameron Obscura in Port Prospect they’ll also be able to unlock Cameron’s Codex, where they’ll be rewarded for taking pictures of certain subjects, monsters and situations.”

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