
Deus Ex Mankind Divided: il direttore esecutivo promette boss fight migliorate

deus ex mankind divided

Tra i pochi difetti che si potevano indicare in Deus Ex Human Revolution (di cui trovate la nostra recensione qui), c’erano certamente delle boss fight “forzate” che non potevano essere evitate tramite l’approccio stealth prediletto da molti e spesso erano risolvibili con stratagemmi non esattamente convenzionali che portavano a ricaricare la partita infinite volte.

Jean-François Dugas, direttore esecutivo che si occupa del nuovo titolo di Square-Enix, ha recentemente dichiarato durante un’intervista ad EDGE:

We weren’t consistent on Human Revolution and we knew it. Production issues prevented us from doing [the boss fights] the way we wanted, so my take was, ‘You know what? We know we’re not consistent, we’re not going to pull it off how we’d like, but at least let’s make them entertaining and not frustrating.’ It’s just that we failed at the frustrating part of the equation [laughs]. Those who were more into combat thought the bosses were really interesting, and it was easy. But a lot of players were playing stealth… Oh my God, that was a slap in the face. We fixed it on the Director’s Cut to a certain degree, but because the cutscenes were already made, the bosses had to die, so we were still forcing you to do that.

deus ex mankind divided[This time,] we’re a game that you can play stealthily, or for combat; you can kill, or you can decide not to kill. You can sometimes avoid obstacles altogether, because there might be other opportunities to overcome these things,” he explains. “And we want to make sure our boss fights fully respect those rules from day one.

Non ci resta quindi che aspettarci il meglio per le prossime avventure del titolo Square-Enix, ma date le premesse sembra che non rimarremo delusi.